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1st Grade Curriculum


  • Sparking positive Jewish identity
  • Creating Jewish friendships
  • Teach the rituals, blessings, and symbols associated with Shabbat and the Jewish week
  • Promote a feeling of ownership for The Temple and an understanding of its Jewish symbols
  • Encourage students to express and explore beliefs in God
  • Reinforce basic prayers and blessings through daily activities
  • Introduce the Hebrew letters and their sounds


  • Weekly tefilah and visits to the music specialist
  • Visits from The Temple clergy
  • Visits to the art room
  • Visits to the Holland Youth Library
  • Visits from our Shinshinit (Israel Specialist)


  • Shabbat and the Jewish Calendar: First grade students begin learning and practicing the rituals, blessings, and symbols of Shabbat and havdalah through texts and hands- onactivities.Inaddition,the Jewish calendar and holidays are reinforced throughout the year. (The Alef Curriculum)
  • The Synagogue: First grade students continue to explore The Temple and its contents. Tours of The Temple and other exploratory activities are essential to this unit of study.(The Alef Curriculum)
  • Theology/Prayer/Blessings: Prayer, values, and God are essential to the first grade curriculum. Students are encouraged to discuss questions about God and the world, while also learning basic prayers and blessings for communicating with God. (Let’s Discover God)
  • Hebrew Reading Readiness: The Hebrew reading readiness program is a precursor to The Temple’s formal Hebrew education program. Students learn the Hebrew alphabet and the sounds each letter makes, as well as develop a basic Hebrew vocabulary through their studies. (Let’s Discover the Aleph-Bet)
  • Prayers to Master: Shema, Barchu, MiChamocha, Motsi, Candle Blessing, Borei P’ri haGafen
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785