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Guide for Using a Smartphone to Connect to The Temple Assistive Listening System

Step 1: Use this QR code to download the Listen Everywhere app, or you can search for it in the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store. IconDescription automatically generated



Step 2: Go to your Wi-Fi settings and join the Temple ALS wi-fi network. Password: templeals (no space). You can use either the 2.4G or the 5G option.

Android users: When first connecting to the network, you may see a prompt to stay connected even if the network does not have internet. Select Yes or Keep Trying Wi-Fi. Do not manually switch to mobile or cellular data.

iPhone users: The first time the app is opened in iOS 14, you will see the prompt “Listen Everywhere” would like to find and connect to devices on your local network. This app will be able to discover and connect to devices on the networks you use” Press “OK”. This can be changed at any time in Settings > Privacy > Local Network.” On the iOS platform.

Step 3: The app will automatically connect to the Listen Everywhere server.

Step 4: Select the Channel “Sanctuary,” and you will then hear the audio system through whatever audio output connected to your phone (AirPods, Hearing Aids, BT ear buds, or plugged in earbuds). Please Note: There is a very slight (½ second) delay with the audio due to the digital transmission.

If you need more assistance, please ask an AV Technician for a more in depth handout with information about using the Assistive Listening System (ALS).

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785