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Making a tribute donation is a thoughtful way to commemorate any occasion, accomplishment or milestone in lives of people we care about. They are a way to say "mazel tov," "thank you," or "happy birthday." Many of our members have chosen tribute donations to celebrate bar/bat mitzvahs, the birth of children or grandchildren, anniversaries or during a time of loss to memorialize a loved one.

Make a Tribute Donation or if you would like to create a new named fund, please contact Jeremy Perlin, Executive Director, at 404-873-1731, extension 1134. When you make a tribute, a personalized card is sent (omitting the gift amount) acknowledging your gift to the individual or family you designate. 

List of Temple Funds:

Dream For Tomorrow: The Lynne and Howard Halpern Endowment – Investing for the future. Provides funding to assist The Temple with new program initiatives, support operations, and facility maintenance and enhancements.

Building, Grounds and Interiors

  • Debbie Finestone Garden Beautification Fund – Provides funding for flower planting to beautify Temple grounds.
  • Kahn Art Fund – Provides funding to acquire and maintain The Temple’s art collection.
  • Sonia's Playground Fund - Provides funding for enhancements and ongoing maintenance of the WELC playground.

Education and Lifelong Learning for All Ages

  • Adult Education Fund – Provides funding for adult learning opportunities.
  • Breman Education Center Fund – Provides funding for teacher trainings, in-service programs and additional enrichment.
  • Brockey-Rothschild Memorial Institute – Provides funding for a scholar-in-residence weekend program honoring the memory of Harold Brockey and Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild.
  • Holland Youth Library Fund - Provides funding to support the youth library.
  • Judith L. Kirschner Sisterhood Fund – Provides funding for scholar-in-residence program for the Breman Education Center.
  • Temple Library Fund - Provides funding for the acquisition and maintenance of Temple library media and materials.
  • Weinberg Early Learning Center Fund – Provides funding for Weinberg Early Learning Center enhancements not included in normal activities.

Clergy Discretionary

  • Clergy Discretionary Funds – Provides resources to assist needy individuals, community causes, special programs benefiting Temple members and worthy institutions at the discretion of the clergy of The Temple.

Worship and Spiritual

  • High Holy Day Prayer Books ($54.00 per name plate set)
  • Haskell Boyter Memorial Music Fund – Provides funding for Temple music programs including Jewish music month.
  • Pike Family Organ Fund – Provides funding to assist in the on-going maintenance and repair of The Temple organ.
  • Prayerbook and Worship Enrichment Fund – Provides funding for purchase of prayer books and worship enrichment such as captioning and infrared hearing aid devices.
  • Temple Singers Fund – Provides funding to support the activities and music for The Temple Singers group.
  • Senior Transportation Fund – Provides funding to reimburse seniors for cab fare and ride shares to come to The Temple for Shabbat and High Holy Day services and for buses for Senior’s programs.


  • Esther Bleich Scholarship Fund – Provides scholarship assistance to Atlanta area Jewish young people pursuing college and post graduate degrees.
  • Lowenstein Youth Scholarship Fund – Provides funding for Temple students to attend camp, youth group conventions, and Israel trips.

Zaban Paradies Center

  • Zaban Paradies Center Fund - Provides funding to support The Zaban Paradies Center to assist homeless couples. 

Unrestricted Named Funds - Benefit The Lynne and Howard Halpern Endowment Fund 

  • Dr. Melvin and Barbara Abend Wedding Anniversary Fund
  • Henry Bauer, Sr. Memorial Fund
  • Marvin Z. Botnick Memorial Fund
  • The Cohen Sisters Fund
  • William Frankel Memorial Fund
  • Lenore E. and Burton M. Gold Memorial Fund
  • Betty and Joseph Haas Family Fund
  • Harold Hirsch Memorial Fund
  • Lillian Holtz Memorial Fund
  • Liese and Frank Kaufman Memorial Fund
  • Levy Garden Fund
  • Estelle and Arthur Light Memorial Fund
  • Lipman Family Fund
  • The Freddy Loef and Carolyn Skalla Memorial Fund
  • Hugh Marx Memorial Fund
  • Betty Meyers Memorial Fund
  • Sam Miller Memorial Fund
  • Jackie and Tony Montag Wedding Anniversary Fund
  • Dr. Robert J. Ross Memorial Fund
  • Arthur Scharff Memorial Fund
  • Sonia & William B. Schwartz Anniversary Fund
  • Stephen Travis Memorial Fund
  • Thelma Wolf Memorial Fund
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784