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Environmental Protection
aka The Temple Green Team
"When God created Adam, God led him around all of the trees in the Garden of Eden. God told him, 'See how beautiful and praiseworthy are all of my works. Everything I have created has been created for your sake. Think of this and do not corrupt the world; for if you corrupt it, there will be no one to set it right after you.'" - Midrash Ecclesiastes Rabbah (7:13)
Welcome to The Temple Green Team! Our group aims to champion environmental sustainability and protection at The Temple and to inspire, educate and engage congregants on pertinent climate and environmental justice issues.The Jewish people must make tikkun olam (the repair and healing of the planet) a major focus in Jewish life today and consider personal and societal changes that will improve the environment.
- Integrating environmentally friendly practices into existing Temple life and reducing greenhouse emissions and increasing energy efficiency.
- Empowering Temple members to make transformational and sustainable changes that improve our environment in their own homes and lives to reduce their greenhouse emissions and increase energy efficiency.
- Providing resources and ideas to Temple members that will inspire and instruct environmental sustainability and protection.
- Replaced all lights in public spaces and highly trafficked office spaces with LEDs.
- Installed water refill station above main the water fountain.
- Committed to the purchase compostable materials when disposable goods are needed and minimize use of single use plastics.
- Replaced plastic bags with reusable grocery bags for our High Holiday food drives.
- Daffodil planting on The Temple campus with BEC students as part of The Daffodil Project, a Holocaust remembrance.
- Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition member, lead by Adamah, with commitment to an annual Climate Action Plan.
- Attend annual GIPL Green Team Summit to further partnerships and knowledge for creating change.
- Congregational engagement in annual Reverse Tashlich river cleanups
- Congregational engagement in annual Tu B'Shvat Tree Plantings in partnership with Trees Atlanta and the metro Jewish Community.
- Congregational engagement in annual Tu B'Shvat Seders.
- Congregational engagement in annual farm crew work days with Historic Westside Gardens.
- Educational programs to increase congregant awareness of the issues of climate change.
"[Rabbi Tarfon] used to say: It is not upon you to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it." Pirkel Avot 2:16
We welcome new group members and new ideas. Please be in touch with us for more information or to get involved.
Thu, February 13 2025
15 Sh'vat 5785
Today's Calendar
Tu BiSh'vat |
: 7:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
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This week's Torah portion is Parashat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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