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3rd Grade Curriculum



  • Sparking positive Jewish identity
  • Creating Jewish friendships
  • Expand students’ theologies and concepts of God
  • Introduce students to the stories and lessons of the Torah
  • Teach fluency in Hebrew reading


  • Monthly Tefilah services
  • Chugim electives
  • Special projects with the art specialist
  • Class trip


  • Hebrew Bible: In third grade, students take an in-depth look into the Torah and its stories as they become acquaintedwiththehistoryandheritageofourpeople.As the stories are presented, students are asked to describe their own lives in terms of their relationships with God, contributions to the Jewish people and relationships with others. (The Explorer’s Bible, Teaching Torah)
  • Hebrew Reading: With the knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet acquired in first and second grades, students begin their formal study of the Hebrew language in third grade. By the end of the year, students acquire fluency in Hebrew reading, a mastery of basic prayers and songs, and an understanding of Hebrew heritage words. (Shalom U’vracha Primer Express & Online Workbook)
  • Theology: Third grade students continue their studies of spirituality through a curriculum entitled: “Partners with God.” This course is designed to introduce Jewish concepts of God in a clear and comfortable way and to prepare children for a personal sense of holiness and a life rooted in Jewish spirituality. (Partners with God)
  • Prayers to Master: Chanukah Blessings, Shehecheyanu, The Four Questions, Hatikva

Special Note: Third grade students are required to do 30 minutes of Hebrew reinforcement games online each week.

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784